JNPR n°1

The Dry January experience, which consists of not drinking alcohol for a month , is enjoying growing popularity in France, with a challenge that attracts more and more followers every year.
According to the OpinionWay survey for JNPR that has just been carried out. In 2023, 29% had decided or considered participating in Dry January (versus 13% in 2020 - source: Opinionway ).
According to the most widely cited study on the benefits of a month without alcohol, conducted by the University of Sussex on people who had completed a month without alcohol in January, here are the main conclusions of the latter on people who had completed a month without alcohol in January:
- 88% saved money
- 71% realized they didn't need to have a drink to have fun
- 71% felt they slept better
- 58% observed weight loss
- 57% felt that their ability to concentrate had improved
While it is often said that alcohol helps you fall asleep faster, in reality it disrupts sleep cycles, especially in the second half of the night. This study published on also shows the harmful effects of alcohol on sleep:
- 57% felt that their ability to concentrate had improved
These elements indicate that the more you drink, the less you recover during sleep, regardless of age (this study was calculated for a person weighing 80 kg). Young adults (18-30 years) seem to be more resistant to the impact of alcohol, but the negative effect persists for all age groups as consumption increases. Even moderate consumption (1 to 2 servings) already significantly reduces recovery time. The graph highlights the importance of limiting alcohol consumption to preserve the quality of nighttime recovery.
According to several studies, excessive alcohol consumption can cause skin aging and can also cause inflammatory effects.
By slowing down the elimination of fats and disrupting the feeling of satiety, alcohol can have an impact on weight.
To find the University of Sussex study, click here
All our tips for a successful month without alcohol, here
All our recipes specially designed to accompany you throughout the month without alcohol. Cocktails without compromising on taste, easy to make, and perfect for toasting in complete serenity.